Friday, July 26, 2024

Young Frankenstein's Igor

This time I'm taking another figure from Pestilence Labs' Young Frankenstein series. It's Marty Feldman as Igor! The kit comes in 4 parts of very clean white resin, plus one plastic container.


The first go round had me use white and brown primer mixed to make a fairly nice looking skin color. Then I put Silly Putty over the face to prime the cloak black. After the black primer had dried, I pulled off the Silly Putty, and for the first time ever (!) the Silly Putty completely took the primer off - right down to the resin. I guess my washing was a little lacking. So again I took some Simple Green (great stuff) and rewashed the face. This time the tan primer stayed on. 

As seen above, somewhere along the lines I also painted a simple stone wall base. From there it was just a matter of giving Igor a few skin highlights, painting the eyeballs, eyebrows, and teeth. Looking it up I found Marty had intense blue gray irises. So I initially painted them a dark blue to get a ring around the edge that he has, and then used V's Azure color to paint in the irises. I mixed a little light gray, and p[ut some small marks to give the iris some dimension. 

While that was drying I took the painted brain, dropped in in the jar and then filled it a bit with some light purple UV resin. This turned out to be a mistake as the brain fit the jar perfectly and some bubbles got stuck. Not being about to do a lot about removing them a just sighed, and continued to fill the jar with more UV resin. With that I was done. Thanks for looking. 

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