Friday, May 24, 2024

The Thing - Bennings

 It's time to tackle another figure from The Thing series - this time it's Bennings. George Bennings was a meteorologist stationed at American Antarctic research station, U.S. Outpost 31. The character appears in the 1982 film The Thing and was portrayed by actor Peter Maloney

This is another excellent kit sculpted by Yagher and produced by Gillman Productions. The kit is in 1/4 scale and comes in 4 parts - the bust the two hands and the base.  After a quick clean up, the parts were assembled and then, after priming, game the skin areas the "pinkle" (Groundeffected's word for the purple pink color) and red.


After that, the flesh color was added, and then a sprinkle of dots of Reikland Fleshshade was added.

Surprisingly (not) I didn't take many WIP pics. But looking at the film grabs, he's see with and orange vest, and then an olive green parka, with a darker green lining. The fur around the collar looks to be a gray color. 

The base shows him on the snowy rock outcropping with some gas cans and 55 gallon drums in thew scene. For whatever reason I assumed the cans were diesel, and looking up the color codes diesel is put in a yellow can. So that's what I did. But thinking back, with how fast the Bennings-Thing creature was set on fire, the fuel was probably just gasoline... Oh well. 

So before I knew it, I was done. Thanks for looking.

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