Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Caveman T-Rex Part 2)

It's been a while, so to see part 1 - click here -

Picking up where I left off I primed the model black and started painting. In the movie the dinosaur was, depending on which image you looked at, simply all gray or a gray green color. I thought the gray would be a little plain so I used 2 Vallejo colors. Oddly enough they are both named Green Gray (?!). But the loc. numbers are different - 101 & 106. Number 101 is also know as RLM 2 for all you military plane modelers. 101 is darker than 106. So the painting began.

 While the T-Rex is drying I turned my attention to the base. This time around I just wanted something really simple. But first I looked up the movie poster and saw the typical 3 color blend to the logo letters. I gave my best shot trying to mimic the look, first by spraying the yellow and then the orange - 
By adding the red and then the black background. I was finished with the logo - 
From there I set upon the rest of the base - 
Then I set the T-Rex on the base and I was done - 

I used wire to loosely pin him to the base. But it just didn't sit right. It looks like one guy sculpted the dinosaur and someone else sculpted the base and didn't communicate. I couldn't find a spot where he stood squarely on the base. In one of the pic you can see a toe on the left foot off the ground. That would definitely get "points off" at a model show...  I may go back and cut that toe off and modify it so it touches on the ground.
I also just saw a You Tube VIDEO where this polymer artist sculpted some plants. I have some green FIMO somewhere and just may give that a try to fill in the base a bit. 

Thanks for looking.


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