Thursday, October 15, 2020

MFTW Vampira

 I think this is the first kit where I got it about 90% done, set it aside - for like 2 years - and now just finished it.  Its about a 1/6th scale kit from Monsters from the Woods.  It was rough in a few spots, but for the most part it was pretty good. 

 The majority of the figure was in good shape, and the portrait was a pretty good likeness of Maila Nurmi.

The hands were the first sign of trouble...

These were supposed to be the sleeve ends. I couldn't make out where they were supposed to go exactly, so I tossed them and made new ones out of Aves.

Portrait done.

Next it was on to the base. This thing is/was HUGE. It looks like the ground and some tombstones were set on a large frame.  Way to big - with lots of empty space.  The model had a separation from about the ankles down, and that all was attached to the base.  I cut the dress loose from the base and tossed the base. From there I glue two pieces of foam, one on another. When that was dry I added some Sculpt-A-Mould to make the ground.  It was here that I put it aside to dry, and somehow it went outta sight - outta mind.

It wasn't until this Halloween season that my wife took it out of "wherever" and set it up as a display. Huh?  Here it is still with the white base.  I quickly snatched it off out table and from it to my hobby desk. I painted the tombstones, and the ground and then added grass.  When that was dry I was finally done, and now it's back on display for Halloween.  The only problem that continues is that the sleeve strips keeps breaking off. One cant help but to grab and hold it like an "Oscar," breaking the sleeves. I think I'll just leave well enough alone.  Thanks for looking. 


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