Friday, June 21, 2019

Edna Mode

No Capes!!
In my effort to improve my sculpting skills, the next figure I chose to do was edna from the movie The Incredibles.  I guess having a kid late in like has me seeing all these cartoon movies that I ordinarily wouldn't have seen. And - - they are good.

Anyway, looking up Edna, the photo that was seen most was one of her flipping the hand -
except for the scales look on the sleeves, it looked pretty simple. At the time I was still using Super Sculpey  (the beige stuff). I decided to do the head separately from the body and once I got the armature done with wire and foil, I started in.
Next I was thinking about how to do the glasses - whether to make wire frames and then just coat in clay, or something else. In the end I saw a video where this sculptor, Ace of Clay, created a "Mad Scientist". In the video he used clear cabochons for the goggles for his scientist. I thought why not do the same. So I buy a pack of various size cabochons and made my glasses. I tried coating the edges with clay, but that didn't work out, so I decided I would make the frames with just paint.

When painting the paint would not stick to the slick surface of the cabochon, but Sharpie ink would. I applied that around and let it dry. THEN the paint would stick to that. The rest of it was just Dark Skin Tone for the flesh, with a little lighter highlight, and then black for the rest of her outfit. To creat a little variation I applied V. Black Gray for the stockings and as highlights for the dress.

The only thing left is to come up with an idea for a base.  Thanks for looking.

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