Saturday, June 29, 2019

An Idea for my Rocket Garden

One of the problems I've constantly had with my launch vehicle collection is that I would like to have them standing in launch position (rather than laying on their side). But with some of the models, and their very narrow features, the slightest bump would topple them over.

Ive been thinking about how to secure them vertically without having to create a launch platform for each and every one.

Another interest of mine is to build and paint miniatures. Looking at a recent purchase I took special note of the  the base that was included. It was a simple black disk with a lip on the bottom. It hit me that if I add clear upright rods to it, it may hold the rocket in place.

This time I just used the Tamiya Thin glue to attach the posts to the base. In the future I may drill into the base and then add some epoxy on the bottom for extra strength and weight.

This is what the result was -

 It's not going to win any Invention of the Year awards, and there may be something like it already out there - but it serves my purpose. Plus I can vary the  posts to the different diameter rockets I have.

I bought a bunch from GreenStuff World. Tho in Spain, I've dealt with them before and wasn't worried about unreliable deliveries. Different sized bases can be gotten to match the  different diameter vehicles. They can also be had in thin MDF, as well as plastic.

Here's my New Ware Thor Burner II in the stand.  I hope it helps someone else. Thanks for looking.

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