Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Bride Part 1

I had the Bride kit sitting next to my desk since JerseyFest. It was cleaned and primed and on a whim I decided to throw some paint on it.
Being The Bride was recently dead, I decided that the skin would be a very pale almost gray color. Because the movie was in B&W many paint up her hair black. Research turned up that The Bride actress, Elsa Manchester, was a redhead. In an interviewed she said the hair you saw was all hers.  The sfx people put a wire frame on her head and teased her hair up over the frame. Then the fake part - the lightning bolts- were added. 
The plan was to give the hair a base coat of brown and then redden it as I add the highlights.  

But once I started to base coat her face I notice a little seam that I hadn't noticed before.  But I continued on.  When I base coated the eyes and considerable eyelashes, the seam was worse than I thought. I followed it down her arm all the way to the base.  How did I miss it??

I put the paints away, washed my brushes, and got out my sanding pads. For the rest of the evening I worked to make the seams disappear.  When I put some gray primer on her, she looked more like a half beaten up Terminator than The Bride of Frankenstein --

But a big lesson was learned- double and triple check for seams!! ;)
Thanks for looking.  

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