Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Executioner / Yeti Update

Well, a little one. The Executioner's face, cowl, hood and gauntlets have been base coated and washed. His face received the extra highlight.
The cowl/hood was based in Vallejo Model Color's (VMC) Flat Earth, and the gauntlets were based in VMC Chocolate Brown. There was two little "pouches" in the front and I painted them VMC Cavalry Brown, which is a reddish color for a little color variation.  Then the hood/cowl was washed in GW's Agrax Earthshade, and the gauntlets was washed in Nuln Oil. Originally the face was based in VMC Buff. I was looking for a tan color but as I was putting on the Buff it had a green tinge. So I just quickly put on VMC Ivory while the Buff was still wet, then washed in Nuln Oil. When that was dry it was just a dark mess. I dry brushed it again with the Ivory and to my eyes it looked better.

For the Yeti, all I got to do was work on the seams where his arms met the body. For this I used my indispensable Aves Apoxy Sculpt.  I really enjoy filling seams of organic creatures much more than say planes etc... ;)
Came out like this - -

Next I'll need to prime and paint the Yeti's mouth b/c the lower part of the mouth is attached to the body and the face is a separate piece. That will need to be painted before I attach the face to the body. If I attached the face to the body first, there's no way I'll be able to paint all the detail in the mouth. Then I'll need to blend the seams between the face and neck.

Oh well, that's for another day. 

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