Sunday, June 23, 2024

Frau Blucher

 The first offering was the Young Frankenstein series was The Monster. The Doctor and Igor was the next too. The latest one was Frau Blucher who seems to have a problem with the horses. And no Blucher is the German word for horse glue as has been mentioned. But reaching blindly in the pile I skipped over the other two and pulled out the Frau. 

The kit comes in 5 parts - the bust, base arm holding a cigar, a can of Ovaltine, and a little model of a horse (the last 3 weren't included in the image). 

 The first thing I needed to find was a color pic, since I didn't want to paint her as we saw her in the film. I found one - sadly just one, so now I knew what her clothes looked like as well as the color of her hair. It also gives me a clue when I build up The Doctor.

 As usual, the first thing I did was the skin, using my normal techniques. What you see here is the base coat plus some spattering to hopefully bring the skin to life.

 While I was waiting for the bust to dry,  I turned my attention to the base, and since I'm guessing it's part of the castle I just painted the stones gray with splashes of color here and there. 

Getting back to the Frau, I added the 2nd level of skin tones, and then thinking about the white shirt, I just didn't want a big blob of white, so trying something different I turned to V's Sage Green. Planned for later is a Green Gray and then a White at the very tops of the contours. 

I guess I didn't wait long enough for when removing the tape after protecting her face from the shirt green - I had the tape pull off 3 areas around her jaw line. Lots of cursing commenced. I guess I'm getting used to skin errors because I was able to fix it in 2 passes of color. I also put a highlight on her hair.

Adding her final shirt colors as well as putting it all together is next - but that's for the next session. Thanks for looking and check back.

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