Friday, December 4, 2020

Aradia Medusa

 Adding to my collection of Medusa's this time is from Aradia Miniatures. This was part of the Dante Inferno collection.  The figure is approximately 75mm and comes in 8 or 9 parts of well done gray resin.

My love/hate relationship with Aradia miniatures strikes again with this kit. It's obvious (to me - maybe not) that these kits are 3D modeled on computer, printed and then cast.  Being that they are 3D designed, the tolerances are very tight. The Main problem comes as there are no instructions as to assembly order. You only have a drawn diagram on the box.  You start building and then 2/3s the way thru you find out that the assembled sub assemblies don't fit together.

My mistake came somewhere between gluing the soldier to his base and putting Medusa's wings on her body. The folding up wing wouldn't fit with the way the spear was sitting. I had to bend the soldiers sear ( a copper tube) and justified it with it got bent during the fight. Yeah that's it...

Evidently, I'm guessing that I needed to put her wings on, and then glued her tail which wrapped around his back, THEN glue the whole thing to the base, rather than one figure at a time.

With all the building done this once again called out to be to make some OSL in the form of some fire from below. I think it came out slightly better than my last try.  Thanks for looking. 


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