Monday, September 21, 2020

TKS Birth of Dracula

 This is another terrific kit from TKS-  Terrible Kid Stuff from Italy. It's really call Elizabeta: Birth of Dracula. But I like the shorter name better. It's 75mm in gray resin, and  has 7 parts.

Seeing the red armor in the Coppolla movie, my plan was to paint his armor chrome and then add V's Transparent Red over the top.

 While the Chrome was drying I knew I was going to add a background, so I just mixed some red and black and painted the cape with that. The fur collar started dark brown and then a few dry brush highlights. Elizabeta was painted all Beige Red. I remember, again from the movie that she lept into the moat or river...  and I was going to paint the gown sheer in parts.

Adding the transparent Red to the chrome just turn the armor pink. Many layers later and it still wasn't what I was thinking. I needed to do something else.  As I painted his face I had to keep checking with the arm since it wasn't attached to see how much would and wouldn't show.

Elizabeta was painted in V's Azure Blue. Darker where the material looked thicker, leaving the Beige Red where it didn't. I also painted the skin with a mix of Pale Skin and Light Gray as she was supposed to be dead and wanted to to contrast from Vlad's skin tone.

That's it for this time. Check back for the finale. Thanks for looking.

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