Thursday, April 9, 2020

Earth Dragon

When I pulled out CMON's Demon of Souls, I also grabbed their Earth Dragon. I don't know if there's anything in the mythology about it, or did someone in the office just make it up. But there was a pic of it in the art book I bought with the game and he appears as a yellow dragon with green "gems' in the skin, as well as a black and gold head. I thought I took a pic of the illustration but I guess not. Anyway here it is in primer - 

This came in multiple parts which were assembled in the factory. No effort was made to fix the seam lines. The other thing was that parts of the dragon are incredibly detailed, while other parts are *very* soft. 

I started off with a base coat of an orange color and the black head, planning on going lighter as I went.

Once I started lightening it, I added gloss black for the gems, as I planned to use the GreenStuff World's metallics line. But unlike other metallics who benefit from the gloss black, these paints don't. So I redid all the gems in white. Then once I added the color they really popped.
I thought I had more WIP shots, but no. So here's the finale done. Thanks for looking.


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