Sunday, February 9, 2025

Not Mickey

 Every time I finish the last project for December, and take a break for the Holidays, I always have trouble starting up again. My breakout is to always start out with something simple. I was able to do that with Not Mickey from Escape Hatch Hobbies.  For those that don't recognize it but think it's that other famous mouse, this guy appeared in Hal Roach's 1934 March of the Wooden Soldiers starring Laurel and Hardy.

The back story is that Hal Roach at the time was one the top dog directors in Hollywood. A newbie to the business, Walt Disney, was trying to get his name out when he and Roach spoke. Roach told of his "Soldiers" movie and then asked could he use his little mouse character. Walt said "Yes" but asked that he just not call him Mickey. A colorized version made him look a little more like that other mouse. In the mouse costume was actually a trained monkey, which accounts for all the "odd" movements.

The kit comes in 6 white resin parts - the head, two arms the body, tail and base. 

Assembling the kit not no problem, and painting like the colorized image I was finished in no time. I also added a little static grass to the base. Thanks for looking. 

Here he is on the table at my local model club meeting.