Friday, November 22, 2024

Sam Elliott

 I saw this bust that with SM being my wife's favorite, I just had to pick it up for her. My bad book keeping comes in to play again, as I do not remember where he came from. 

Sam is about 1/5th scale, and the kit comes in 2 parts - the bust and the had. While looking for info on the pose, I came across what I think is the inspiration for the sculpt.  


Around the time I got this kit, I also got some of the new formula Vallejo paints. I bought the Pale skin and the Tanned skin sets to try out. They are supposed to be absolutely flat, and not surprisingly they were.

Continuing on, I just followed the colors in the original image. The shirt was an off white, and a de saturated purple/pink for the scarf. The coat will be a charcoal color. I don't know why, but I was surprised at how red his face was, so with some watered down citadel wash I colored in his face. 

 and that's where we'll leave it for this session. check back.

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