Saturday, August 29, 2020

Here Comes Santa

 I remember buying this kit last Fall, and then it promptly got lost in my stash pile. I found it again, and thought before I lose it once more, I'd just build it. 

The 54mm kit is from Aradia Miniatures, and is casted very well. 

First thing to do is clean the parts off the pour tabs, and then start painting. 

Taking a break from the painting I decided to put Santa in a snowy scene. I was going to do a roof scene, but I already did one of those with my Krampus miniature a year or two ago.  so I cut some pieces of foam, and went to work sanding it smooth.

 After the base was painted, I added the figure and I was done. But I did learn an important lesson. With these kits that are seemingly designed on a computer and then printed, the tolerances are extremely small. The kit gives no instructions, but it MUST be assembled in a certain order.  This time I should have added the reindeer's reins *before* I sat Santa in the seat. Once Santa was glued in place there was no way to slip the reins past his belly.  The second oops was I should have put the stick and presents on his should *before* I put his hat on. I thought I could slip the stick over the shoulder and under the hat - - no way.  

So, from now on I'm going to dry fit the entire kit together *before* I start gluing anything. 

I couldn't figure out what the droopy thing was hanging out of the bag. Turns out to be a sock with coal in it.  LOL


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