Saturday, January 11, 2020

Christmas Elf

Around the Holidays, a number of GK producers come up with ornaments for the tree.  This year was no different. I was only able to get one, and this one was John Dennett's X-mas Elf.  Taking a good look, she bears a similarity to a certain actress. ;) 

I was planning on doing the figure up in the typical Christmas colors of red, and green, making green the primary color. But John did one himself using the green. So I just swapped it and used the red. The shirt/dress was also done with the new (to me) Scale 75 Metallic Colors. It worked out well. Highlighting the little bumps on the dress with V's Chrome for an extra little pop.

Everything else was painted according to plan. The red hair started off with Hull red, and then a 1st highlight of Mahogany. The final highlight was an orange brown. The 3 berries or jewels were painted in the typical fashion that mini painters do those. 

While she wasn't finished in time for Christmas, it made it on the tree before it got taken down. ;) Thanks for looking. 


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