Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Evil Dead II Hand

Another kit from Gillman, the Evil Dead II hand is a mini vignette from a scene in the movie where Ash's possessed hand "runs" around the cabin. In the kit you get the choice of and hand "walking" or one that gives you the finger, along with a section of the wall, and piece of the wooden floor. I chose the walking hand.  You also had the option of getting the Necromicon book.

First thing I did was to lengthen the floor with some foam. My idea was to dremel open the hole in the wall - as is the opening is just recessed, and I needed extra space that would be behind the wall.  With the opening now I needed something to create a back stop. That was easily solved with a piece of sheet styrene painted black.

For the hand, I did the usual squiggle pattern to create a little something under the skin.

With it all painted up, including the book, which was done with a dark brown, and then a highlight of V's Iraqi sand. The edges of the pages were done in V's Old Gold.   with no name on the vignette, I found a printed out a small poster of the movie, crinkled it up, and then glued it where it looks like it's thrown against the wall.  The images are making the hand look a lot redder than it really is. Oh well. Thanks for looking.

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