Thursday, July 25, 2019

Needful Things' Leeloo

This time we have the Supreme Being from the film The 5Th Element.  This is a a 1:5th scale kit in white resin. Being that it was an older kit, it did have some seam lines and pinholes, but nothing anyone familiar with garage kits couldn't handle. She's dressed in her thermal bandages as she appeared right after she was reassembled. The base which is hard to see now are 4 connected tiles representing the 4 stones.
The face is a pretty good likeness  

Starting to clean the kit up, the first thing noticed was the pretty big hole at the bottom of her hair. No worries a little Aves filled the void, and then a little sculpting remade the hair strands.

The assembly was next and her head and arms went on with little trouble.

This was one of those kits where I built a little, put it aside and the came back to it a few days or weeks later, did some more, put it away again, etc...  I think it was the amount of skin and the seam lines that needed to be filled and have disappear into the paint that gave me pause. I must admit that this is one of my few 3 foot models. It's going to look good from 3ft feet away, but get closer and yeesh! some of the seam lines I just couldn't get rid of...

So her paint job is going to be basically a skin tone, orange hair and then the white bandages, The stones are a tan/brown color so that's what was done.

During this time, my A/C in the attic dies, and I had to leave it for a few days. When I came back to it, the oddest thing - cracks appeared in certain places. In the creases under both breasts and across her back had these hairline cracks. I never considered the heat until just now, but it was weird seeing them. Vallejo's plastic putty made short work of them tho, and I was able to quickly repaint.

After a quick shot of matte clear coat I went to work on the stones base. The base was fairly smooth. Starting with the darkest brown I had I gave it a coat. Then with progressively light shades going up to a buff I sponged on the colors creating as much texture as I could. Finally I got Vallejo's Brown wash and in the a/b gave it a mist coat. I needed a little something else, so I took V's black wash and did the edges and the seams of the stones. With that I was done.  Leeloo makes a nice addition to my meager 5th Element collection.  Thanks for looking.

The color variations of her hair is washed out in this pic. Sorry.

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