Monday, March 28, 2016

U.S. Moon Ship

This model brings back a lot of memories for me. It was probably around 1967 or 68 that I went into DeVita's Dept store (Pete's) and in the toys aisle, found a toy that you had to build before playing with.  It was the US Moon Ship! This kit was put out by Lindbergh in the pre Apollo Era of 1958.
I'm sure I put the thing together in 30 minutes and barely waited for the glue to try before zooming it around the house. 
Move fwd 45 years or so and the Moon ship is available once again. This time released by Round Two, but they kept the old Lindbergh box. Pretty cool! Hopefully I'll build it a little better than when I was 8. ;)
First, I put the main subassemblies together and then primed. Once dry, I went crazy with the preshading - 

I went back to it a few days later and sprayed the entire model white, and put the parts together. The preshading is still there although a little too faint.

Did you see what I did? Ugh. I added the rails without the added "equipment." Then when I went to add the equipment, I realized that the equipment was on the same side of the ship, rather than being opposite each other. UGH. Oh well, It would be too much to try and fix it. So maybe I can't build it better than when I was 8... ;) 
Stop back for the finale. Thanks for looking.

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