Saturday, February 2, 2019

Mother of Dragons

In the mood for another bust, I had Daenerys Targareon (sp?) sitting on the shelf for some time. Produced in white resin, she came in two parts - the bust/base, and a strand of hair.   Cleanup was minimal, and any seam marks hidden was easily spotted and eliminated after a spray of primer. 

I started out with a base coat of Rose Beige for her skin -

 Her hair is almost white, so I base coated that with a coat of Beige to start. A highlight of Rose Beige + Light Skin tone.

Thinking I found the costume that was sculpted, it looked like a blue, and the cape was blue on the outside and I light tan on the inside.

Moving on I highlighted the hair with Ivory, added the dark brown eye brows, painted the eyeballs the same color and then painted the base a Basalt Gray. Her lips got a coat of Cavalry Brown, which is really a dark red brown color.  I also speckled the base with a lighter gray for interest, and used V's Burnt Iron Metallics for the emblem.

The inside of the cape got a beige highlight. I didn't want her cape and dress to be the same color, so I painted over the blue with a turquoise color from Army Painter.  On the screen grab, there is a design that looks like lots of little arrowheads. The sculpt doesn't have that, but only ridged stripes. I added another layer of turquoise to them, and then over painted the stripes with a Pearlescent paint to create a little added dimension. Also her green eyes were painted in.  You can't really tell but the strand of hair was also added.  There was a gap, but some Aves filled the gap with nor problems. I sculpted the Aves to match the existing hair.
I added a 3rd highlight of white to the top most part of the hair stands, and after looking it up, painted the dragon on the emblem a red color.  Her bottom lip was painted Rose to brighten it. Then I tried something new, I used Vs Metallic Varnish to the lips and eyes. It went on a little thicker than the others and made the eyes look deeper. She was ready for her final matte coat. 

After a day, I looked at the bust and there was something wrong. she looked ... sweaty. I must have  sprayed her with satin instead of matte. There was also something else with the skin tone. It was still too dark. I mixed Light skin tone with Ivory and gave a highlight to only the upper areas.  That looked better. Then I made sure I sprayed a matte coat to seal it all in.  Thanks for looking. 

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