Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Deep One Part 2 - No Joy

WOW. Didn't realize I had this model build in limbo since January. 
Not having read H.P. Lovecraft's story about the Deep One, I had no idea of the description of how it may have looked. So I just went out and did whatever I wanted to do. I used some greens and blues (being it's at least a semi aquatic monster), black stripes, some tans and browns for the plates.

I was in such a groove I never too a pic.

Then I turned my attention to the base. It's a typical sand base with sea shells. I painted that up with tans and different "shell colors" to which I added a pearl additive to have theme shine - 

It was going to make this an easy one, and with the base done, all I had left was to hit the creature with some Krylon Satin and call it done.  I sprayed the satin and almost immediately it was like I frosted the kit! Certain parts turned white! Plus, I guess, heavier parts also cracked! WTF?
The image actually makes it look not as bad as it really is. So it's time to call the paint job a failure, give it a Purple Power bath, and start over... Sigh.

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