Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Fantastic Four Susuan storm

Right from the start, I must admit I'm not the biggest Fantastic Four fan.  But I thought the plan for the kit where Susan herself could be cast in clear resin was ingenious. The kit was sculpted by Tony Spangler, and molded and casted by Mark Kaelin.
The kit comes in 5 parts - the head and shoulders, the body, a "4" base and a nameplate. 

Looking at the kit the clear head and shoulders casts was an excellent idea. Pulling it off I'm sure was problematic. Giving it a close look small bubbles can be seen inside and there was one under her nose. Now with it clear, it can't be filled. But with a bath of Future, many of the bubbles became invisible or at least less emphasized.

Next up, looking at the colors for Susan's uniform, between the comics, cartoons and now the movies + fan art there are a multitude of colors and styles.  So in the end I chose a simple light blue color and a dark blue stripe.  I also added a steel color and medium blue to the emblem on the chest.
 While all that was drying, I turned my attention to the base. Both were colored in a light Steel color, and then then highlighted in blue.

Masked up for the blue paint. 
I felt something else needed to happen with the seams in the clothing. I have some Gundam Markers and thought I could run some blue into the seam lines... no blue. I wanted to do this, so in the end I used the black pen. They are very easy to use, and fairly simple to clean up if you go outside the lines.   With that I was all done.   Thanks for looking.

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