Monday, March 6, 2017

I bought a Piece of my Childhood Back

All my toys and other childhood memories are long gone. Long story too. So every now and then I think about or see something that reminds me of the old days. This latest go round was was I was goofing around on You Tube, and ran across a guy that restores old beat up Matchbox cars. Hey, I had Matchbox cars! So I watched a few, and then on one, I was lead to this other guy, and his CHANNEL and PAGE

Watching one of his vids featuring cars from 1968, I saw the Land Rover. As I was also fascinated about animals and had a good number of the little plastic ones, the Land Rover seemed a natural. 

Well, long story short he had the Land Rover in it's box, So I couldn't resist - 

Do I need to start collecting these too? No. This gives me enough nice memories of when I was little. 
Thanks for looking.

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