Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Taiwan Lesser Salamander

Huh?  Yep, a salamander.  Not to think I'm all into ghosts and monsters and fantasy figures, I really collect anything that that catches my eye. This kit came from Skink Haunt who was big into  creating animals of Taiwan (it looks like lately he's also moved into creating monsters).  This kit has to be 10+years old by now.  Back then I didn't think I could do it justice with a lifelike skin tone. But I figured I was confident enuff to try it now.

The kit is only 2 parts, the animal and a base. I'm guessing it's a 1:1 scale kit.
The salamander is what it is, not a lot of detail, but well done. The base, on the other hand, is chock full of details. I wondered if he sculpted it, or took real leaves and twigs etc... and molded and cast that. It comes in a plastic bag and gives you this -

The kit only had a few imperfections, most like the remnants of pour spouts. Sanding those down I was reminded that the kit is from Asia, as the smell from the sanding definitely has that petroleum smell of the resin that many of them use.
Once smooth the kit was given a coating of V's NATO Black. This is my new fav as to my eyes, it's not just black, but has a slight green cast to it.
After that I gave the salamander and the leaves a mottled look with two colors of gray - the second a bit lighter than the first.  Following the illustration one leaf was red and the other orange. This is what I followed.  Check back for the next WIP.

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