Thursday, September 10, 2020

Star Wars All Terrain Defense Pod

This is yet another kit from the bottom of my stash pile. It's Yay Monsters' ATDP. First seen in the TV show Rebels. It's actually a throw away idea from Empire Strikes Back. 

"There's clearly some influence from concept artist Joe Johnston as well, in our walker. Ours is actually one that Joe had designed for the Episode V scout walker, an abandoned design."
Star Wars Rebels executive producer Dave Filoni


The model is in 1/48 scale and comes in sixteen pieces, with a piece of brass a few pieces of brass tubing. Giving it a once over before clean up, it looks to me that it was 3D printed and then resin cast, as there are some faint grow lines here and there. But for a vehicle, that doesn't bother me so much.   


Clean up was fairly straight forward, and then the building started. I have to say that this was the simplest build I've done in a long time.  The command crew area almost fell together, and the legs were a nice friction fit. 

Gluing the legs should be no problem, and then it's on to painting. But that's next time.

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