This is my blog for my scale model building, and sculpting. Other hobby posts could include my fossil collecting, my herps or arachnids. I hope you find it interesting enuff to read. Enjoy.
I have been waiting for this one! as many may know, I don't actually play the mini games. But I do love some of the details that the figures now have - a long way from the old Ral Partha figures.
This was another Kickstarter offered by Cool Mini Or Not (CMON). I forget the amount asked, but basically they offer you the game, and then as others join the bandwagon, and the more they make the more free bees (in this case) they offer. CMON has had tremendous luck with these kickstarters. The last game I was involved with - Blood Rage a Viking game, made more than $1million. This one, if they didn't go over $1 million, they came awfully close.
When all was said an done, I ended up with 4 boxes of game and figures, plus I bought the Art Of book. Their illustrations were terrific and I just had to have it. There was so many of the monsters that impressed me, I wanted to make sure they got painted correctly.
I just opened one of the Monster Packs and was not disappointed. They are plastic - not hard styrene, but not really that bendy toy type plastic either. The pack came with Oni of Plagues, the Fire Dragon, Jorogumo the spider, and Jinmenju, a sort of Tree of Ghosts. I imaged a few of them -
Oni of Plagues
Fire Dragon
I can't wait to go thru the rest of the boxes and start painting. Looks like a lot of fun. If this game isn't already available, it should be very soon. Be on the lookout for it. Thanks for looking.
The mailman has been making stops with boxes the past few days. The first offering is the result of Aradia Miniatures Kickstarter campaign. eventually all these minis plus ones I didn't choose will be available on their site. Shipping is from Italy but as a customer for a few years, I've never had any problems with delivery. The minis were based on the works from Dantes Inferno. Unlike other minis that are 1 or 2 parts, these come in many. So rather than opening the bag and taking a chance of losing parts, I decided to borrow images from the campaign. All these images are borrowed from Aradia in an effort for free advertising for them). There were many excellent figures to choose from, but in the end I chose Charon the Boatman from Hades -
Next is The Gorgon. As a "fan of Medusa, I cannot have enough Medusa figures. The scene is complete with the warrior turned to stone, and her tail wrapped around him,crushing his figure. While I never saw her with wings before ... it is what it is. :)
Dante's guide lists three offenses
committed by Ulysses and Diomedes: devising and executing the stratagem
of the wooden horse (an ostensible gift that--filled with Greek
soldiers--occasioned the destruction of Troy); luring Achilles--hidden by his
mother, Thetis, on the island of Skyros--into the war effort (for which
Achilles abandoned Deidamia and their son); and stealing the Palladium--a
statue of Athena which protected the city of Troy--with the help of
a Trojan traitor, Antenor (Inf. 26.58-63).
For this Dante sees them in the 8th circle. Here's the model -
All of the above models are 75mm. The one below, which IIRC, turned out to be a free bee (along with a model of a pile of bones) is 32mm. Fourth is the lustful Paolo and Francesca. In Dante's Inferno, in the 2nd circle of hell known as Lust or The Carnal he calls to Francesca. It has been written that Dante was a contemporary of Francesca and might have even known her. As the story goes Francesca is married, but falls for Paolo, brother of her husband. When the husband catches them he goes to kill his brother, but Francesca steps in front and is killed by the sword. Horrified that he kills his wife, he also kills his brother. In the story Dante has the adulterous couple to hell. As a sidebar it is often thought that this was the basis for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet which was written much later. Enough story, here's the model -
Although the campaign is now over, you can see the other models available from this series HERE.
Leaving the Circles of Hell, we turn to a galaxy far away. From Megahobby I received Bandai's Blue Squadron Resistance X-Wing. The ship from Rogue 1, was most prominently featured in the climax Battle of Scarif. rogue 1, BTW, is in my top 3 Star wars movies.
Been away from the hobby table. I have work to do there, but just haven't the mojo to go up and do stuff. But seeing the snippet trailer for the upcoming new Han Solo movie, I did notice a new TIE variant? Maybe a possible subject for the GK guys? ;)
EDIT: seeing the longer trailer, that pod is a twin cannon pod...