This is my blog for my scale model building, and sculpting. Other hobby posts could include my fossil collecting, my herps or arachnids. I hope you find it interesting enuff to read. Enjoy.
Finally the Terror Bird, again from Gillman Productions. The last picture is the bottom of the base. Sometimes the sculptor will surprise you with a drawing. He heard I was a retired firefighter and so the Dino Bird got a helmet! Cool! :)
JerseyFest was this past weekend. I was only able to go the one day (Sat.). There was quite a number of models on the Contest Table, and a nice selection of demo's, throughout the day. There was even quite a number of vendors in their room. It was good to see some old friends as well as some new ones. I did make a few purchases from MoonDevil Studios, Creative Beast Studios, two kits from Gillman, I also picked up a pack of "organic" stencils that I can use for something --
I did enter the 5 models I mentioned in my previous post and due to a stupid move on my part never wrote the name of the model on the slip. Doh! It didn't matter to the contest as they go by the slip number.
I was happy to win a Silver for entry "279." I tried to figure out which was which - "279" was either my Twisty model or my Abominable Snowman model. (DOH! again) I guess I'll have to wait for the public posting of the winners.
I finally got back up there this evening for a little while. I wanted to get the Edmontonia finished for Jersey Fest tomorrow. I just had to finish the
eyes and then gloss coat them and the nostrils. I also had to paint the
edge of the base. Done. I think I'm going to take that dinosaur, my Abominable Snowman, Dracula, and the Ghost Bust. They judge on a GSB basis. So we'll see what happens.
Finally I did some sanding around the canopy on
the AD-1 . not terrific but as I ended for the night I hit it with a
coat of primer. I'll check it sometime tomorrow night or Sunday to see
how it looks. Fingers crossed that it will look "good enuff." ;)
Someone was asking about basing the Edmontonia. Evidently this animal was a reissue by Cretaceous Creations and I'm guessing, there was no base or the base was different. This time around it looks like this --
Nothing special just a regular base. The "white thing" by the way is a branch of a tree. I'm planning on just doing a simple job on it, maybe a few plants but that s it. Be back when I have it done. Thanks for lookin'.
This guy I've only had for a short while. It's Cretaceous Creations' Edmontonia in 1:18th scale. The sculptor Shane Foulkes is a very talented guy. You can find him on his FACEBOOK PAGE, as well as his WEBSITE. Here's a shot of the kit from his page --
This shows all the parts - not shown is a brand new base.
I've been tinkering with this one on and off for a few weeks now. It's a fairly simple kit, and it all goes together nicely --
until I come across my nemesis - the dreaded Vac form canopy!!
This kit is no different. Measure and cut, measure and cut. Until I cut too much then it's filler time. Well it's filler time. :-P
The sucky part about that it that once you apply the filler which is the Tamiya putty this time, progress stops as you have to wait for the stuff to dry. So I ended up working on this model last night for a whole 10 minutes...
So I found this stuff at the MicroMark site called Composi-mold. Since I saw it in their catalog, I've discovered they have their own Website. It comes in a tub of what looks like honey colored jello. But once
you've microwaved it for 30+ seconds it becomes a thick liquid and you
can pour it over an object creating a mold.
The beauty of this stuff is you can heat it to soften, make and use the mold. When you're done, cut the mold up with scissors, but it back in the tub - microwave it again and it melts back to it's original shape ready to be used again for the next mold.