Friday, July 26, 2024

Young Frankenstein's Igor

This time I'm taking another figure from Pestilence Labs' Young Frankenstein series. It's Marty Feldman as Igor! The kit comes in 4 parts of very clean white resin, plus one plastic container.


The first go round had me use white and brown primer mixed to make a fairly nice looking skin color. Then I put Silly Putty over the face to prime the cloak black. After the black primer had dried, I pulled off the Silly Putty, and for the first time ever (!) the Silly Putty completely took the primer off - right down to the resin. I guess my washing was a little lacking. So again I took some Simple Green (great stuff) and rewashed the face. This time the tan primer stayed on. 

As seen above, somewhere along the lines I also painted a simple stone wall base. From there it was just a matter of giving Igor a few skin highlights, painting the eyeballs, eyebrows, and teeth. Looking it up I found Marty had intense blue gray irises. So I initially painted them a dark blue to get a ring around the edge that he has, and then used V's Azure color to paint in the irises. I mixed a little light gray, and p[ut some small marks to give the iris some dimension. 

While that was drying I took the painted brain, dropped in in the jar and then filled it a bit with some light purple UV resin. This turned out to be a mistake as the brain fit the jar perfectly and some bubbles got stuck. Not being about to do a lot about removing them a just sighed, and continued to fill the jar with more UV resin. With that I was done. Thanks for looking. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Cycle of Life part 2

 Continuing on with this vignette the first thing that needed to be tackled was the warpage on the horse's necks - 

From there, the painting could be started. As for Death, I wanted him in the dark and ghostly colors. For Life the bright colors were the plan.

Getting to the ghostly part, I had seen a few times where the Citadel people had used a green/turquoise color effectively as a ghost color. They used Nihilakh Oxide, But I didn't have time to wait for a mail order. So a quick trip to Hobby Lobby led me to 2 colors. All I had to do is choose the best look on the model.


I moderated the green some by desaturating the color with the lightest gray color I had, then added a little white on top to make a highlight. 

Then it was just a matter of attaching the wings, and then adding her figure to Death's base and we were done.  Thanks for looking.

I was really happy with her face, so zoomed in a little.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Ouroboros Cycle of Life

 I came across this kit in my secondary pile of To Do models. On the box it had a date of 2017, so it has to be at least that old. The name of the Co. which produced it was Blood Keep Miniatures.  But it doesn't really matter as when I first re-found the kit I looked it up and it is no longer in operation.  I did see that who I think is the sculptor as an STL of the kit available. You can see his work at ArtStation.

 The kit came in 11 parts of nicely cast resin.  The only problems problems with with the kit are two pieces (cleanly) snapped off the main parts. The other problem was the Death's head and the heads of the two horses were warped. Well, Death's Head was fine the middle horse was slightly off kilter, but the outside horse was off and shows a step in the one image.  


The above part showed the death book which had snapped off, and shows the hand with the hourglass that had to be attached. Thankfully I found an image I could enlarge to see how the parts exactly went together. 


For the "Life" art of the sculpt, another snapped off part ended up being part of her flowing cloak. These images helped me find it. Both arms and the 3 cherubs also had to be super-glued to the main body.

 I had to be careful where the left arm glue on as it also has to rest on top of that hourglass. I was hoping that it wasn't a case of it coming from a 3D design with the tolerances so tight that it would be a nightmare to have everything fit. No. Luckily I also used the gel type superglue that gave me a little extra time to match everything up. 


With that done it was in mostly 2 large sub assemblies with only his scythe, and her wings to add on. But first I have to fix that horses neck. But that's for next time. Thanks for looking and check back.