Saturday, June 29, 2024

Frau Blucher Finale

 The idea of this session was to fix the 3 paint pulls along the jawline, and to add highlights/details to the shirt and jumper.

The jaw was actually fairly easy using the stipple method even tho by adding extra layers, it destroyed all the details underneath. 

The leather look (to me) was next. Various jumps in color value gave me what I thought was a decent leather look. The added Agrax Earthshade drew all the colors together.

The shirt was also easy. I used a Sage Green as the base - just to be different. Then V's Pastel Green was a perfect highlight. Then I mixed Ivory with the pastel Green for a 2nd highlight. Finally I added a pearlizing paint to the Ivory for the very high parts of the shirt and I was done with that. 

The final part was looking at the embroidery on the neck and arm cuff. I couldn't find a clear image of her wrist so I painted just what the imprints in the kit gave me. To keep the color going, I used a Green Black for the embroidery.


Taking a good look at the neck showed a different pattern. well, same pattern but colored differently. This was certainly a test for my magnifying visors! Also I noticed the sculptor forgot - left off the little broach she was wearing. ;)

 Once that was done, the final two pieces was a can of Ovaltine, and the joke horse. The producers were able to find the vintage label which I thought was a very nice touch. They also included it both in color and B&W for the people that wanted their model in Grayscale. The horse was simply painted brown, with a black mane and tail.

Once glued on the base I was done (sad note somewhere along the lines the horse was knocked off the kit and was eaten by the carpet monster. If it returns I'll be sure to glue it back on).  


Many producers now give you a CofA. Cool touch IMHO

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Frau Blucher

 The first offering was the Young Frankenstein series was The Monster. The Doctor and Igor was the next too. The latest one was Frau Blucher who seems to have a problem with the horses. And no Blucher is the German word for horse glue as has been mentioned. But reaching blindly in the pile I skipped over the other two and pulled out the Frau. 

The kit comes in 5 parts - the bust, base arm holding a cigar, a can of Ovaltine, and a little model of a horse (the last 3 weren't included in the image). 

 The first thing I needed to find was a color pic, since I didn't want to paint her as we saw her in the film. I found one - sadly just one, so now I knew what her clothes looked like as well as the color of her hair. It also gives me a clue when I build up The Doctor.

 As usual, the first thing I did was the skin, using my normal techniques. What you see here is the base coat plus some spattering to hopefully bring the skin to life.

 While I was waiting for the bust to dry,  I turned my attention to the base, and since I'm guessing it's part of the castle I just painted the stones gray with splashes of color here and there. 

Getting back to the Frau, I added the 2nd level of skin tones, and then thinking about the white shirt, I just didn't want a big blob of white, so trying something different I turned to V's Sage Green. Planned for later is a Green Gray and then a White at the very tops of the contours. 

I guess I didn't wait long enough for when removing the tape after protecting her face from the shirt green - I had the tape pull off 3 areas around her jaw line. Lots of cursing commenced. I guess I'm getting used to skin errors because I was able to fix it in 2 passes of color. I also put a highlight on her hair.

Adding her final shirt colors as well as putting it all together is next - but that's for the next session. Thanks for looking and check back.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Anthropologist Dr. Brockton (Joan Crawford) unearths a troglodyte (an Ice Age 'missing link" half-caveman, half-ape) and manages to domesticate him - until he's let loose by an irate land developer (Michael Gough) to go on a rampage and kidnap a little girl. Crawford's last feature film. 

This 1970 low budget film, which I've never seen has been declared so bad that it's actually entertaining. The budget was so low that Ms. Crawford had to supply her own wardrobe, and was rumored that the costume for the Trog  was actually 1/2 the monkey suit from 2001 A Space Odyssey. That was the reason he was half ape, half man, because they only found half the suit. 

The 1:8 scale model, sculpted by Michael Berglund, and comes comes to us from Escape Hatch Hobbies. The model is in 10 clean parts and are 3 D printed. Once again, in my eagerness to get started I forgot to take a before pic of the parts. Here he is all super glued together.

The parts fir very well, but they do need a little filler. Here I used to last of my Milliput - 

The next job was to fill the holes meant to drain out the excess resin from the 3D printer. Here I used Aves to fill the holes. The reason was to provide a spot to insert pins to hold the figure onto the base. 

Speaking of the base here's the rock base and bolder that's about to be thrown. 

Looking towards the models, there's very few images of the entire monster. Here's what I found - 


Painting the figure, the colors are fairly easy to follow. The only change I made is to me, his face is on the gray side. So I matched a little closer to his arms and legs. 

The last image shows him just about done. All that was left was gluing the bolder into his hands - it dry fit perfectly for me until I had glue on the rock. :/    I added dirt and static grass to the base and then I was done. Thanks for looking.