As I mentioned in my last post I have been on a buying spree as far as models are concerned. It started at the IPMA Nationals in Virginia Beach and it continues to present. But one sidebar here while I was looking to pack some models to take to the show I realized that I built only one model this year. So I made a resolution with myself that I could build one every two months at least! Lets see what happens.
But in any event, at the Nats, I was able to pick up an Anigrand
A-12 Avenger 2 and an alien bust with pedestal.
Getting back home I had two boxes waiting for me. a previously ordered Star Wars
Clone Battleship, and a 1:20th scale Rader Studios
Apatosaur, and
Brachylophosaurus . I also was able to buy for my birthday a kit I've wanted since seeing it on it's release a number of years ago -
Paleocrafts' Tar Pit Scene. Many modelers remember the old
Aurora line of Prehistoric scenes. Inthat collection was a Tarpit, pit a Wooley Rhino half submerged in the tar and a vulture waiting for it's demise. Well, someone commissioned tyerrific artist Sean Cooper to do an updated accurate model o f the scene. In it he has a stuck in the tar Colombian Mammoth and a dire Wolf and Sabertooth cat fighting over the victim. It also includes a base and tree. Once the commissioner got his sculpt he allowed Sean to kit the sculpt. Once sculpted Sean handed it over to Mike Evans at
Alchemy Works to do the molding and casting.
On the sci-fi scene Fantastic Plastic has been knocking 'em dead with a number of star Wars kits (can you tell I'm a big SW geek?) including the
TIE Bomber and the
Escape Pod, which both arrived recently. FP also has a
Sandcrawler that has just been released and I'll be picking that one up asap.
BTW, if you haven't already visited the Fantastic Plastric site. It is a must see. The owner and webmaster, Allen Ury, who is a fan of sci-fi and spacey looking x-planes and the like has a tremendous site. He's broken down his models not only into model type - x planes, real space, pop culture; but also further divides the models don't as to which time period you would have seen them (not which year the kit was released). Very cool. Grab a cup of coffee and
take a look, you could quickly spend an entire evening enjoying the models.
Wish me luck on my resolution! ;-)