Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Edmund Fitzgerald

This is another kit out of the depths of my stash. The Fitz was done my Iron Shipwright Models, and in looking for the url, I see they are still around being bought by Commander Models. 

The ship is 1/700 scale working out to about 12" .  Being an older kit, the smaller pieces have a bit of flash on them and will take some time to clean. It looks like they took off the pour plug on the bottom of the hull with a grinder. The bottom is a bit rough, but if you are going to sit it "in water" that won't be a problem. The one big problem is that while the grinder was still spinning, it accidentally hit the side of the hull. That needs to be fixed!

The image from the website indicates they redid the molds and things are better arranged. 

 Since mine will be in water, I'm not worrying about the bottom, so the first think to tackle is the gouges on the side. I started out fill them with Tamiya putty, but didn't like the look and redid it with some Aves. The next thing is to tackle the decks. I guess they were in the box so long that each one had some type of warpage. A quick dunk it super hot water fixed that.

The gouge and the warp

 I decided that I would clean the fiddly bits as I needed them, so next is a coat of primer, and when dry, the base colors. The ship is basically two colors - white and Hull Red. 

 That's where we are going to leave it for this session. Check back for more.

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