Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Thing - Norris

 Over the past few months I've been collecting busts by Gillman Prod., featuring the characters from 1982's The Thing. So far, they have released 5 busts. One little extra was that if you bought the first 3 you got pieces of a kit that will form the Norris Head Spider. At one point you could buy the actual head at a discount. So the Norris Head make kit #6. 

All are approximately 1/4 scale and I'll start with Vance Norris. He was played by Charles Hallahan (1943-1997). There's still a debate as to when Norris gets assimilated. But it comes to a head when he has a "heart attack" and during defibrillation his chest opens up and bites Dr. Copper's arms off at the elbow and from a monster emerges. 

The kit is very well done with 2 parts - the bust and the little monster head. There was a little cleanup of Norris' hair, and where the little monster head meets the next, there needed a little Aves to close a gap. Otherwise cleanup was effortless. 


 Here I tried a little under-painting. Some of it worked well, but in some areas it was just too much. 


I was doing the MacReady figure at the same time, and I wanted to give them two different skin tones, so I started Norris with Vs Dark Flesh (which isn't really that dark).  From there it was adjusting the highlights and shadows. I painted the throat veins with various greens, and then used Citadel's green wash to fill in the deepest areas. After that I used a green tinted UV resin to make it shiny and gooey. The UV resin matched too closely to the paint I used so I tried some of the Army Painter Speed Paint. It too went on like a heavier wash, and a little V. Gloss brought the goo back to the forefront. 

 Similarly I did the same thing only with reds and pinks to the chest/belly area, and to the coiled monster and gave that a coat of the Pink UV resin to that. The resin was easily painted on  (make sure the brush is disposable), and some UV light sealed the whole thing up. Just to make sure I sat it out in the Sun the next morning - Just to make sure.  With that I was done. Thanks for looking. 


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