Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I-7 Howlrunner

 Another beauty of a kit, Multi-Verses 1:72 scale Howlrunner is a work of art. First seen in the Dark Empire novel. First used by the Empire, it was subsequently used by the New Republic. 

Being simple it only has a few (13) parts. But the parts have nicely done panels and details.

First step is to glue the bottom front of the vehicle to the fuselage. But first it'll need to be painted. I don't know where the instrument panel came from, but there's lots of detail. A pilot is included that looks pretty much like a Jedi!

Once the cockpit was installed, the rest of the build went fairly quickly. I did goof a part where the fins attached to the fuselage, but some putty helped out. Painting here and there have been started.

Taking a break from the build, I turned my attention to the canopy. At first I was a bit confused on what to do. I could take the casting and just install it - hiding all the detail inside. So I chose to carefully cut the windows from the frame. I then cut the vac-form to expose the windows.  They give you two copies of the windows, as well as a buck in case you need to make another. 

The vac windows got a dip in Future, and then the canopy got painted. 

Time to paint. Instructions said to use a tan color, but instead I used Vs White Gray.  The bottom , I painted a Neutral Gray. As it's the bottom it was painted rather roughly.  There's was some metallics added to the engine and exhaust parts. I also tried out to make the discoloration of the exhausts. The panels were filled in with Tamiya's Panel Liner, and I also had a little wear and tear in places.

The canopy is just sitting in place.


Check back for the finale.

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