Friday, June 28, 2019

Atlantis Minis Sphinx

One of the two mythological creatures I got from Atlantis Miniatures (not the same as Atlantis Models)  is the Sphinx.  This is a well done 7 piece gray resin kit. There's no flash, or no bubbles.

Adding paint, the obvious reference is a lion so I used V's Beige, with the German Brown Black for the mane.

Then I added Citadel's Reikland Fleshshade  over the body and their Nuln Oil over the mane. Once that was dry I added bad the Beige but as a drybrush.  The main got a dry brush of V's Beige Brown

The wings got the same treatment of the beige and Reikland Fleshshade. This time the heavy drybrush was with V's Foundation White.  Later on I added a second go round of white to the upper wings and V's Brown Wash to the deepest areas of the wing folds.

The brick piles got a coat of V. Game Color Plague Brown, drybrushed with beige and highlighted with a beige/white mix. The ground work was some simply with V. Tan Primer over some Modpodge which had the Chinchilla dust sprinkled on it. 

I also added a few extra bricks out of the same sized balsa lumber. With that I was done. Thanks for looking.

The usual size comparison pic.

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