Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Troll Hunter Jotnar

This build is part of a Challenge in the FB group Figure Model KIts. The idea is to pick a kit that has been on The Pile "forever" and to finally build it. I chose Gillman's Jotnar. It's not my oldest, but it has been hanging around for a long time. 

The figure comes from the finale scene in The Troll Hunter. I really like this film even though everything is Norwegian, and you have to read the English subtitles. It's a movie based on the newly popular genre of "found film footage."  These students were making a documentary, when they fall upon a real troll hunter, follow him and thin is accepted to join him as he goes around the country doing his job. 
The character in the movie poster is our Jotnar - 

The kit comes in 7 parts (the base isn't shown) - the body/head, 2 arms 2 legs and the tail.

The parts were very clean, and the seam lines almost invisible.  A little Aves was used to mate the parts - 

The problem I encountered with kits like this, is the color. If you search for the Jotnar, all the images look like the movie poster, in that it was filmed in this predawn, cloudy looking blue light. So do I paint it blue or do I paint it as if it were in normal light?  I found this image and decided to go the way it would look in normal light - 

From there I needed to add some snow to him and the base. Since he's enormous, trees and shrubs have started growing on his back and head. I added some Woodland Scenics turf foam, and some tiny roots from real plants to mimic trees.  The base title card was painted with the colors seen in the movie posters. Thanks for looking.

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