Monday, September 24, 2018


This build is my Pledge for my local IPMS club. To get guys to build at least one model a year, they are asked in April the name of one kit, and pledge that they will finish it by the October meeting. My kit is the old Visceral Visions Medusa. This is sculpted by Marcus DeLeo. Doing a search for Visceral Visions turned up nothing, so I guess they are gone... Too bad, it was a well done kit.  The parts plus a certificate of authenticity. Mine was #18 -  -

The parts are for the most part very well done. There are some pinholes and bubbles in the base, and there are two pieces that have been broken - the center spike on the headdress, and one of the loops on the loin cloth. 

As you may be able to tell, she's not your average Medusa. She's not a snake, tho she does have snakes for her hair. Otherwise she's a very attractive, accurately sculpted pin up kit.  Her face from the site - 

 I started out by using some Aves on the larger bubbles and Vallejo putty on the smaller ones. I was also able to scrape off some of the tiniest ones. Once I get it painted I can add sand to the base to help conceal any other ones visible. The gray marks are the Aves repairs ...
... and then my two tone primer job. The arch fits to the base with two large pins, and is a very tight fit. I may just  leave it as is, so I can remove it for transporting it around. There is also an arch in the back that also sits on a pin. This one is not as tight so I may get two large magnets to attach it. Again making it easier to transport. 

Next, I started in on the smaller parts. 
The two yellow arrows indicate where the repairs must be made. On the headdress, I already drilled a hole and inserted a wire. I'm going to have to think about the loop. The snake above the headdress looks to have had a bubble so big it split the snake in half - but it was quickly glued. The join was a little off center and also the glue became brittle, so that was re-broken, and cleaned out. It too was drilled and a wire inserted, the halves glued and Aves applied.
The blue arrow is a part I have no idea where it goes or what it is. Any ideas? 

Here Aves was applied to the wire and the spike was added. Once dry, I'll sand the epoxy to it resembles the shape that was originally there. For the loop in the loin cloth, I just created a loop with wire and drilled that into the break point. It was the covered in Aves. That too will be shaped, and a hole drilled out once dry. 
The snakes just to see where each one went.

 Thanks for looking. 

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