Saturday, July 28, 2018

Rising Sun's Oni of Blood

This is the second of about a zillion figures from CMON's Rising Sun kickstarter game. While I don't play there are quiet a few of the larger sized Ogre's, Trolls (both know as Oni in Japanese Folklore) Dragons and the like. This guy has been on the desk for weeks. I'd paint him in between other steps and other models as to not waste time.

With so many figures that piqued my interest I was glad that CMON released an art book. The only thing I wished they included even a few lines of what the figure was all about. Having said that I was glad to have a document of what they thought it looked like and what color. Here's the page of the Oni of Blood - 

The figure was well done, but the down side was that it was done is a soft almost rubbery plastic.  It was also pre-assembled, making some places difficult to reach with the paintbrush. Being per-assembled it means that there are seam lines as well as a little flash. With the plastic so soft, it made getting rid of the flash etc... a bit difficult. After a time, I left some flash instead of ruining the figure.

The first thing noticed was the red skin so that where the painting started -
Gloss black was added to those "maces" as they will end up being a gold color. Making a mistake the beaded necklace was painted a tan rather than the gloss black. This will be fixed. 

Heads and faces base coated. Also realized the hands are to be darkly colored
Continuing on, more parts get painted in. He has a number of layers of fabric, heads and gold ornaments that make things a bit difficult to keep track of.

 The gold ornaments are painted the gloss black And the fabric, a dark green color. In the book's image it's hard to make out individual colors - everything looks gray to me. So some I left gray, other items I made a dark green. Then I tried my hand at free brushing a little design. Easy with the flesh color - harder with the gloppy Army Painter Gold I used. I didn't realize until too late that I had Vallejo Gold. :-/

Finally I got to the point where if I went on, I would start ruining things. So I painted the base, glued on some of the red sand I had, and called it done. Thanks for looking.

Took 3x to get the tiny pupils just right.

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