Saturday, April 14, 2018

Aradia's Charon

This time around I will be digging into the Charon kit from Aradia Miniatures. This was one of the levels gotten from their Kickstarter talked about HERE

A first look at the kit, it's is pretty intimidating. There are many parts and no instructions. You have to constantly refer to the box art which IMHO is a bit dark and hard to see.  Here are the parts - 

Taking a look at the parts in trying to separate them out, I was a little disappointed to see that in the largest part, the waves, it looked like the new mold slipped a bit leaving a lip - 

This though was in the back and remedied with an exacto knife and sanding sponges.  The 2 parts of the wave were glued together and the boat bow (which was one piece) was just placed on top. The fit was good, but I will need to add a bit of Aves in a few spots - 

Besides the two demon heads that are swirling in the water, the figures include Charon, two other demons, and a female "victim." Some of the figures need to be build so I further separated them into subassemblies - 

Let the painting begin - but that's for the next time. Thanks for looking.

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