Sunday, November 12, 2017

Beetlejuice - Beetlejuice

Certain cable channels runs movies in sort of marathons. I forget which channel it was, but they seemed to run Beetlejuice every other night all month. So what the heck, let me get my kit  of the "Bio-exorcist" out and start painting away. 

Beetlejuice came in just 3 parts of bubble free resin - the figure, the sand worm's fin and the sand worm/ gravestone base. But included is a resin Book for the Recently Deceased, and a Beetlejuice flyer. There's no real place to put these on the base so they are just extras - 

After doing a cleaning and double prime, I started out by finding an image of the man himself. everyone knows what Beetlejuice looks like until it comes time to paint him. So I found a pic I could use.  Keaton has a number of wardrobe changes, and the kit appears to come from the opeing scene where Beetlejuice first appears - 
So starting out I painted the face a very pale almost white color, but as the image shows and his neck is almost regular flesh color near the Hawaiian shirt. His hair and the "growth" on his face also gets a base coat of light green - 
His shirt and topcoat now get their base color as does the sand worm and gravestone - 

I was toying with the idea of gluing a magnet to the sand worm fin so that it wouldn't break off during transit etc... but thought it would be too much work for something that *might* happen. so I just glue it in and finished off the painting - 

Turning back to the figure and giving the example pic a good look, the circles around his eyes are on the purple side, but his eyebrows were left dark. Also I noticed that his hair is a lot lighter in the movie than the behind the scenes images, so I sort of split the difference - 
The next thing on the list is the design on the shirt. Looking at the example pic above there is some sort of design in black, but I couldn't make out what it is. Looking thru a LOT of images didn't help until I came across this one-  and saw they were those heraldic lions!

The lions are pointed in all different directions and some are even reversed, so thats what I tried to copy. All that was left was to gloss the eyes (Michael Keaton has blue eyes) and mouth, and I am calling this one done. Thanks for looking.

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