Saturday, December 17, 2016

Krampus, the anti-Santa

Just in time for Christmas, we have Krampus. 

Along the narrow paths of the alpine countries, between snowy forests and silent valleys, on cold nights that come close to the winter solstice, wild and mysterious creatures roam: they are the Krampus. In the time of year when the sun is weak and barely touches the Earth with its rays, they come out of their shelters in the mountains to go to visit lonely Alpine countries ... They sneak quietly in homes or roam the streets between noises of cowbells looking for naughty children, who kidnap closing them in the bottom of a large sack, to take them who knows where ...
Children who will not be rewarded by the gifts of Santa Claus, end up in the clutches of the devils of Yule, the Krampus!
Everything that exists, exists because of its opposite: there isn't force, intelligence, virtue, or property that hasn't an opposite that counterbalances. In the popular tradition of the north-east Italy, Austria, Germany and the Slavic countries, the Krampus is the force opposite to that of Santa Claus: he is the companion of Santa Claus, often depicted with him, the other face of a single power that gives or takes away according to merit.

Our Krampus model comes from Aradia Models, who started out as two brothers from Italy, that have expanded to include a very talented group of artists.  
The model is very well sculpted and is 75mm in size. It came in about 6 pieces, and was very easy to put together. For the initial build and early stages of painting I left off the hand with staff, tail and crow. 

Here he is all primed with a zenithal highlight of white - 

Looking up images of Krampus online, they were about as varied as you could get. Some were like our model, very sleek, while others were like a shaggy dog. All had horns, while some had a staff and other had a handful of branches, to beat the bad children.  Having so many variations gave me the ability to basically do whatever I wanted. Being he was the anti-Santa, I wanted to give him a few attributes of Santa. So I gave him the white beard and the red bag. Unfortunately I see, as soon as I started base coating that the bag was not filled with toys...
I painted him a gray with other gradients of gray to highlight and shadow the figure. The staff was painted a cork brown and then washed details into it with Citadel's Agrax Earthshade. There are jingle bells that are silver, and a bell that is painted a brass color with a silver clapper. The straps on both his feet and staff were done in "festive" green. 

 The next thing to think about was the base. The base that comes with the model is a 40MM (or so) disk with some rocks or the like on it. This won't do. Thinking again about him being the anti-Santa. I thought of him up on a rooftop. and while I was at it I might as well include the obligatory chimney. 

The base started out as a few pieces of foam - 
To this I added some sheet styrene shingles, styrene clapboard sheet to the ends and a resin chimney. All of which was supposed to be in "O" scale. Either the shingles look a little big or the clapboards look a little small, but except for finding a brick and mortar hobby store, I had to go by what I was told online. 

To this I added some Woodland Scenics snow on the roof and chimney. I drilled a hole in the top and super glued Krampus in place.  Then with another drop of superglue on the other foot, and covering all that with more snow, he was done. Thanks for looking. 

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