Sunday, October 30, 2016

Room Update + a New Product

This time around I have an addition to my hobby room. I've been looking for the longest time to increase "space" in the room. I had originally thought I would buy 2 kitchen cabinets to use with a counter top to use as a desk. When I got the cabinets home I realized they were WAY too tall. So I went in a different direction for the work area. But I still had the two cabinets. This week I was able to buy a countertop. I know, whats the big deal. Evidently where I live the straight counter tops go quickly and the ones cut to make an angle remain. But I must have gotten there right after they were put on the floor and had my choice of colors. ;)  Here's my buy:

As you see I did away with the box for photos and have been using the set up you see. Now I have extra flat surface for storage, or if I want to put WIPs, while I move back and forth between projects. Yep, I know. I also need to neaten up if I'm taking all these room pics. ;) 

The new product are the Vallejo Earth Textures. I'm guess it's an acrylic paint with some grit in it to help you create groundwork - 
 I picked up the Brown Earth, Desert Sand, and Dark Earth. I believe there are at least two more including black for hardened lava, and another to replicate snow. I won't have a need for lava, but the snow may come in handy in the future.

I used the Dark Earth for a miniatures project (you'll be seeing soon), just to see how it went on. I tried with a wooden stir stick with little problems, but to get in close to the model a regular paint brush worked very well. I may need to pick up a few cheap-o brushes when I use this stuff next time. 
Thanks for looking. 

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