Tuesday, July 26, 2016

New Model from Skink Haunt

Being an on again, off again customer of Skink Haunt, I received an email letting me know of a new kit. Previous he had been known for his animals of Taiwan, where I picked up a few of his reptiles and amphibians. 
He started sculpting some outlandish sci-fi/fantasy sculpts that are a bit outside my price range. But the Octo-Girl (his name for the kit is simply Octopus) is odd enuff that I like it, and it's within my price range.  

It comes in 12 parts, a little flash, no bubble, but it's the type of resin that has a petroleum smell to it when you cut into it and sand it. 
The next day after I really washed it with soapy water and let it dry, I went to my hobby room to start to put it together.  Whoo boy it was a hot day - :-P
 But I muddled thru getting most of the model together. I left off the "ears" and the arms as they were both very thin, and was afraid of breaking them. They will go on when I get the feet/legs attached to the base.  Here's where I am - 
Seams will need filling

This will be her on the base. I plan on adding more to the base.

From the back

Closeup of the back. I added dots of V. putty. I see a spot I missed.

Skink's mark

Topside of the base
 Putting it together and puttying the seam I hot it with some black primer, then drybrushed white - my new way to prime. I see that more seam work needs to be done to the front of Octo-Girl. Thanks for looking. 


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