Friday, February 21, 2014

Doak VZ Session 5

I have a small update for tonight. It starts off with me re-masking the canopy so the back part and also the bottom rail  that's going to get the fuselage color is exposed. It went a lot easier than the previous masking job. It was also a lot less complex. ;) 
With the masking on I then attached the canopy in place over the cockpit. I touched the canopy in a few spots with liquid super glue just to get the thing in place then I was going to glue down the rest. But the fit wasn't the best. So I got out my LOCKTITE GEL super glue. This stuff is the best and you have to squeeze the side panels to get the glue out, so when you release the panels, the glue is sucked back into the tube and doesn't stay in the nozzle. With a tooth pick I filled in the open areas - 

In the image you will see a line of filler, that  line will come back to haunt me.  After hitting it with a light coat of Tamiya primer, that seam line shows up. :-/ Odd, since running my finger over the joint I felt nothing. But the primer doesn't lie. I'll give the primer a full day to dry and then I'll go back and make that seam disappear. I'll have a shot of the primer stage when It's all dry.

Finally to end this post, while I was in my LHS letting my son get a model or two (he's into WW2 armor now...) I saw a model that was one of the first models I ever built back in the mid- 60's. It's the US Moon Ship.  Back then IIRC Hawk was the manufacturer. This time it's Lindburgh. So another model get added to my To Do pile, and hopefully this time it'll look better than how a 7 year old did it. Haha :) - 
More later...

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