Monday, February 20, 2012

I just can't make things easy on myself...

Yeah, I know I haven't built a model in a year. Now I get the Friede started and what do I have to do? See the Destination Moon's Luna in my *to do:* pile. My eyes glaze over and I have to open it up take the parts out of the box and start trimming the flash off. Yeah, I'm going to build the two at the same time...

I was going to include an image of the parts, but for whatever reason, my phone is taking a million years to upload the pics. So instead I've decided to include a link to FP's page ans the kit is still available -
where you can scroll down a little bit to see the parts, and also take a look at the description of both the kit and the ship it's modeled after (a very nice touch IMHO).

According to the site, this was the first in a series of Classic Spaceships done in 1:288 scale.  The kit had a little flash on it - nothing major for a resin kit. But the fuselage had some problems. First thing I noticed is that there were two gouges in the side of the ship. Once I get my images downloaded I'll post the gouge shot here.  EDIT: Here are the pics of the gouges. I sanded a bit to make the resin around the gouges flush with the rest of the surface.The original looked like something got stabbed into the rocket and forced plastic above the surface. WEIRD...

Again nothing major but surprising since most of FP kits are *very* clean.  The next thing I noticed was that the bottom of the ship where the exhaust ring attaches was rather oval instead of what I expected should be round. It did take a bit of careful sanding to get the exhaust area round. 
A major pluses for the kit is the nice symmetric look to the fuselage, and the circular moon base. I'll definitely be taking some extra time time painting the lunar base up. :-)
So that's it for now. Next the parts will take a bath and get the mould release washed off and then time to attach the parts.
And yes, I'm expecting to get them both completed by the end of the month (ok at least the Friede)...   :-o

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