Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Thing's MacReady

This is another that has been on my shelf since 2012! Sculpted by Chris Elizardo, and produced by "Teddy Novak". It came as a one piece bust approx 1:4 scale.  With no eyes, It was also another easy one to do.

Using the following image, I matched up the colors the best I could.

First step, as usual was to get the base colors down -

A few days later, I was able to get another session in and get the bust finished. I was thinking about added the snow and what not, but decided to keep it simple.  Thanks for looking.

Thursday Throw Down 9/19/19

This weeks throw down was titled Kid with home made Halloween costume.
First thing I thought of was the kid with the plane/rocket out of a box.  I even tried to paint it as a 10 year old would.  Good idea but way too ambitious for the time period. At the 11th hr., the sculpt also cracked and I had little time to do anything else but a bad repair job.  Any way here's a boy and his rocket -

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

GFR Leia Finale

Hi all. In this session I finished base coating and then used Citadel's black wash on her hair.  Being a warm day this dried quickly, and I was able to add two highlights to it.  A coat of Satin went over the hair to give it a slight shine. speaking of shine, I then used V's Metallics clear gloss, which in my opinion is the "glossiest" gloss out there, and gave the eyes two coats. 
Her arm nestles into position nicely without glue, so I just sat it there. This removal option will come in handy if and when I need to transport her. The final thing to do was to glue her head in place. With that, I was done. Thanks for looking.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

GFR Leia Part 2

These two sessions were mostly adding the base coats of the costume and skin areas. I tried to paint the gun a metallic black from one of those cheap-o craft paints. But it just wouldn't go on easily. so I just used plain black.

The next session I added more highlights and then the details to her face. This model is coming together quickly. Check back for the final look at Ep. 4 Leia.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Thursday Throwdown 9/12/19

This weeks challenge was "Smiling Mummy"

Friday, September 13, 2019

GFR Leia

After taking a few days breather after finishing good ol' Chuck, I picked out Leia, a recent pickup from JersyFest, as the next bust. This is a very nice model from Good Fellas Resin.
I figure with her costume white, and her blaster black (according to the pics) all I really need concentrate on is her face.

Time to clean. It is a very nice kit, but there was some very thing seam lines that need to clean. Also here and there it looks like there was some grow lines from the 3D printing process. It wasn't everywhere, just here and there. Some of the grow lines actually help out as it looks like the pattern in the fabric!

I sprayed the body with a gray primer to make the seams stand out and just went on from there.

Cleaning the seam down the gun with it's ridges was the hardest to clean

Leia/Carrie likeness was said to be hard to capture. Good job here.
 This tool is used to help make panel lines on planes etc... It cuts out thin ribbons of plastic. Here it helps define hair strands. You can get one from Micromark.

Check back for part 2. Thanks for looking.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Good Grief Finale

Sat down at the desk and did the final touches to the Good Grief kit.  After a talk and some kidding with the guys who created the kit, online and at Jersey Fest,  the 3 what I thought were palm fronds (why ony 3 leaves on the base?) turned out that they were actually Woodstock's feathers. I guess snoopy got hungry enough. Glad I didn't decide to sculpt a little bird for Snoop...  So those got a dry brushing of yellow.

Next was I was informed that the blanket wasn't army surplus as "my story" imagined, but was Linus' blanket. Linus' blanket was blue. So I felt the need to change that.
Next up was I took the cord that was provided in the kit, soaked it in brown wash,  and did a wrapping so the baseball bat and his cooking pot no long just magically hung off the backpack.  Afterward the rope got a highlighting of V's Dark Sand.

I couldn't leave well enough along and I added tiny leaves to the dead bushes, and even left some on the ground.

I finished off painting the rifle and the last step was coloring the wrapping. The base coat being Dark Sand, with an Ivory highlight and then some camo with V's Olive Green.

Finally I wasn't in a mood to mess with the seamline that resulted from gluing the hand to his arm so I just took some Aves and created a wristband.

With that I was done. It was a nicely engineered kit and a pleasure to work on. Thanks for looking.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

2019 Jersey Fest

Another JF has come and gone at the Newark Int'l Airport Marriott. This year I was only a minimal attendee. No workshops classes, no demos, and didn't enter any models.
This year I just reconnected with some of the old (and new) friends in the hobby. And as usually I came home with a little loot.
Clockwise we start with Princes Leia from Good Fellas Resin.
To the right is a mini Chewie from McDevitt Studios for his Patreons.
Since you can never have enough werewolves, next is TC Quist from The Howling by Gillman Productions.
Lower right is Satan from the Twilight Zone episode "The Howling Man." This is another excellent bust by John Dennett's MoonDevil Studios.
To the left of him is a GOT's mini Danys also from Good Fellas.
Then I stumbled across this World War Toons tank from MENG gotten from Michigan Toy Co.    I have an idea for a diorama that includes the tank in a new form. We'll probably see that in early 2020. 
The final mini is a "trophy" figure of a wrestler, for scoring best on some of McDevitt's Patron  Thursday Throwdowns.

One kit that I was looking for that didn't make it out in time was Silver screen Icons interpretation of Lucy from Bram stokers Dracula based on this scene -
I'll be keeping my eye open for that one. Thanks for looking.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Thursday Throwdown 8/29/19

This week's Throw Down was Punk Rock Primate.